Starting a career in early childhood? Exciting! To get you on the right track, let's break down the essential info about the various rules and regulations for each state and territory in Australia.
Every state has its own sets of rules, however, everyone needs to hold or be working towards their Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care. If your qualification was gained outside of Australia, you’ll need to have it approved by the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).
To join the Expect A Star team, ensure you have the necessary documents based on your state. You might be wondering,
who is the regulatory authority in childcare? We’ve simplified a checklist for you below.
Similar to the regulations, each state and territory has their own regulatory authorities. We’ve pulled together a list of who’s who in the early childhood world.
We’ve pulled together some links that you may find useful as well:
No worries! Get in touch with our consultants today for info or advice on the varying rules and regulations within each state and territory in Australia.