Assessment of equivalent early childhood educator qualifications

The National Quality Framework (NQF) lays out the minimum qualifications and the educator-to-child ratios for children’s education and care services. Here you’ll find information we’ve put together about the qualification requirements in different education and care settings. 

If your early childhood qualifications are not on the approved NQF qualifications lists, or from overseas, you can have your qualifications assessed for equivalence by applying to the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).

ACECQA will determine if you can work as one of the three types of early childhood educators under the NQF:

  • Early Childhood Teacher
  • Diploma level educator
  • Certificate III level educator

Applying for an assessment

The guidelines for the determination of equivalent qualifications explain the application process and the criteria that ACECQA will consider in deciding if qualifications are equivalent. The qualification requirements vary depending on whether you’re looking at centre-based services with children preschool age or under, out of school hours care (OSHC) services or family day care. 

Before getting started, make sure you read these guidelines as well as the application form for more details about the process and the documents that are required to make your application.

Your application will take about 40 minutes and you’ll need to:

What happens to my application once submitted?

Once ACECQA receives your application, they will be in touch with you via email within 10 working days. They’ll make an assessment of your qualifications for equivalence under the Education and Care Services National Law. 

Once your application has been assessed, you’ll receive an email with the outcome. If you’re successful, you’ll get a certificate in the mail and will be able to work as a qualified educator in an approved education and care service within Australia. You’ll also need to check if you also require teacher registration to work in your state or territory. If you’re unsuccessful, you’ll receive the reasons for the decision.

Migrating to Australia

If you’re looking to move to Australia to work as an early childhood educator, first you’ll need to check if your qualifications are recognised under the NQF and if you’re qualified to work in a regulated Australian education and care service. The checker will ask you a series of questions to determine whether you’re a qualified educator and let you know what evidence you can provide to show you’re qualified.

ACECQA migration skills assessment

If you’re looking to apply for a skilled migrant visa, you’ll need to complete a Migration Skills Assessment which looks at your early childhood education qualifications coupled with previous employment experience so they can compare against the assessment standards for a skilled worker in your nominated occupation. 

Before applying for an assessment, check Department of Home Affairs to ensure the visa you’re applying for requires a skills assessment. Find out more, including eligibility, about migration skills assessment via ACECQA’s website.

AITSL skills assessment

The AITSL skills assessment is for migration purposes and evaluates whether your qualifications and proficiency in English align with the criteria for skilled migration. For further information, visit the AITSL’s Applying for Skills Assessment webpage.

DAMA skills assessment

A Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) skills assessment is for applicants who are applying for a skilled migration visa under a DAMA. This is an assessment of qualifications in early childhood education and care as well as any relevant employment experience. This will be compared with the assessment standards of a DAMA.

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